Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to Eliminate Acne Quickly and Natural Stone

How to remove cystic acne quickly and naturally we will discuss this time. Skin problems that one can come anytime and anywhere, hehe
did not recognize the time and age. ABG teenager whose skin still smooth can suddenly experience. What exactly is acne? Acne is an inflammation caused by clogged skin pores with dirt. Oil produced by glands under our skin mix with dead skin cells and bacteria, it can not come out smoothly due to dirt so appear acne. There are several types of acne, among others, cystic acne, common acne and blackheads. In addition to the problem of dirt that clog pores, acne is also caused due to hormonal factors, errors in the use of cosmetics, skin type and heredity.

How to Eliminate Acne NaturallySmall pimples that could actually ruin your appearance. Of course you want acne on the face go away and not come back. How to eliminate acne naturally? There are so many ways you can do. Some of them are you can do it yourself at home with natural ingredients that are around you. Natural materials it is believed efficacious to eliminate acne without side effects. Compared with acne medications that contain chemicals, of course tips to remove acne with natural ingredients are relatively safer.How to Eliminate Acne QuicklyOne of the tips get rid of pimples quickly using natural materials, namely the egg white mask. First of all separated egg whites with the yolk and then mixed with lemon juice. After that stirred up out of foam and then apply on your face. Allow a few moments after that rinse with clean water. In addition to relieving acne, this mask can also brighten your skin. Some other natural ingredients that can be used as a mask acne removal, among others, tomato, leaf aloe and papaya. The result will you get after regular use.How to Eliminate Acne ScarsAfter the acne is gone, a new problem arises again. Acne scars! Improper handling of acne often leave scars that are very disturbing black your appearance (especially women). Skin color so it looks uneven. Acne scars are no less annoying than the acne itself. There are several ways to remove acne scars, either naturally or with medication. Acne scars busting drug is now being sold in the market, but if it can be done in a natural way without any side effects, why should you take the risk.?Acne scars can be eliminated by following some natural ways, one of which is with olive oil. Olive oil or olive oil does have many benefits, olive oil contains high unsaturated fat that is considered as a healthy oil. Therefore olive oil are often used as ingredients in cosmetics, herbal medicine and cooking. To get rid of acne scars, apply olive oil evenly on the face that has been cleaned up and then massage slowly. After that, rinse with a little warm water. If done regularly, this could be a very powerful way of removing acne scars are stubborn.How To Eliminate Acne StoneThere is one more problem of acne are quite disturbing, namely the onset of cystic acne. Cystic acne is quite striking bumps with color and rough texture. Cystic acne is usually accompanied by inflammation that would be very painful. If not removed would be very disruptive and physical appearance.Tips eliminate cystic acne there are several ways. The easiest way is to come to the doctor beauty and treatment, but it is certainly no costs. Another way to choose is a natural way, ie with egg whites mixed with honey. Mixture is then applied to the face with acne stones and silenced for a moment. Do it regularly and you will see the results.More rapid healing that is currently very popular is to use Argan oil. Rare oil derived from Morocco is currently on the rise and very popular in the world of beauty. Oil outside the country are also often referred to as magic is very good oil to help resolve this issue very quickly and safely. Remember! must be a real yes, do that are mixed with other ingredients. One of the importers of this oil in Indonesia is said that the original Argan oil has a characteristic smell of peanuts, and should not be placed in a clear bottle of white because it will be damaged. Bottles are great for keeping the quality is clear bottles with dark colors like navy.Well, that is the way and tips to remove acne and scars. Try to always choose a natural way, because of cheap natural way also contain no harmful side effects. Always maintain a healthy lifestyle by choosing foods that you eat, reduce the consumption of fatty foods and soft drinks as well as any kind of food is preserved. In addition to consume vegetables and fruits, and drink plenty of water will keep you from the annoying problem of acne. Do not forget, keep the skin by cleaning it regularly.
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Monday, September 28, 2015

The following statement of a nutritionist about the benefits of grains and legumes as well as the best nutrition for health

According to medical doctors, nuts and seeds nutrient dense, which means they pack a lot of nutrition into a small place. Grains and beans contain high amounts of fiber, which can help digestion and cleanse the digestive tract. They also contain high levels of protein, so it will provide enough energy and helps the body to build muscle. Nuts and seeds are naturally cholesterol-free, and contain very little saturated fat. Fresh beans contain very little sodium.

High content of vitamins and Minerals, the doctor noted that nuts and seeds contain vitamin B, which will give you energy and improve your body's metabolism. They also contain selenium, chromium and vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant compounds. Antioxidants are organic compounds that will fight free radicals, which can damage the cells of your body as it ages. Surely this can inhibit the premature aging that can provide rough skin and wrinkles prematurely. Nuts also contain phosphorus and magnesium, which are important for the formation and health of bones and teeth. Phosphorus supports energy production and the formation of nucleic acids, such as DNA. Magnesium helps activate enzymes in your body, and will ensure your muscles to work properly.

Controlling Weight
The Mayo Clinic online source noted that nuts and seeds can be a healthy part of your weight loss program. This is because they contain large amounts of protein and fat, which can help you to feel full longer. In addition, 90 percent fat from nuts and seeds are fat "healthy" fats are monounsaturated. However, because nuts and seeds are high in calories, so you only need to consume in small quantities. In general, per ounce, or perbiji is quite appropriate portion sizes.

Heart health
Citing FDA, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension explaining that: because nuts and seeds contain monounsaturated fat and has been shown to lower LDL (bad cholesterol). They consume on a regular basis can reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, some nuts and seeds also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which proved to have a protective effect on the heart. Nuts and seeds listed in the FDA's Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or DASH diet, have been clinically proven to reduce blood pressure.
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Health Benefits of Potatoes for Body

Potatoes are vegetables and one of the family of tubers originating from the United States. But with the times this plant is cultivated and developed in other countries, especially in Indonesia. Potatoes have become a popular food in many countries they even use it for alternative food substitute for rice and help the diet naturally.

Besides potatoes have become an alternative medicine to cure diabetes (diabetes) that is used by healers and traditional herbal medicine. Because the content of the potato which has the function of neutralizing a wide range of bacteria and germs that enter the human body. If processed in any form, the content of the potatoes will not disappear at all. Because the temperature levels in potatoes does not change.

Nutrition Potatoes
Existing content in the potato is composed of 70% to 30% of nutrients and other substances. Other substances such as proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, vitamins and other minerals. The content of this potato can be a standard daily diet to consume it because it is good for health in the body. Thus it was the consumption of potatoes in any form.

Efficacy Potatoes For Body Health
There are several properties of potatoes for health, among others:

Rich in fiber and prevent various diseases

The fiber content in the potato is very high comparable to wheat. Useful fiber for digestive system in the body. Highly recommended for consumption for people who are thin and underweight. Also can be used to program people who are dieting. Because potatoes are useful to measure the levels of calories that would be removed by the body.

The fiber content in potatoes can prevent problems arising in the digestive system. Besides it can prevent the onset of heart disease, prostate cancer and uterine cancer according to research by nutritionists. The content of vitamin B6 in potatoes can destroy the tumor and the growing crystal as a virus in the body and prevent nerve disorders.

Helps lower cholesterol levels

Potatoes contain a lot of calories as rice. However, the potato has a soft texture and make long-lasting satiety because calorie-balanced and thick pile. Moreover, it can help decrease cholesterol levels in the body. The content of potassium that are useful to destroy the piles of cholesterol in the digestive system, especially on the circulatory system. This we need to know that by eating potatoes regularly.

Prevent kidney stones and reduce inflammation

Potatoes contain a lot of iron and calcium that will form and settle into a cause kidney stones and uric acid levels in the circulatory system. But the content of his potatoes were much magnesium can prevent kidney stones and refuse sediment in the network system. Therefore, potatoes proven to prevent and treat kidney stones. Similarly, the doctors advice that eating potatoes for people with kidney stones is very good.

Also see the article on:

Potatoes that have a smooth and creamy texture and easy to digest useful for inflammation both inside and outside, such as inflammation in the mouth, intestines and digestive system. In addition it is good to heal burns, rheumatism, stiff, bruised by rubbing and can also be eaten but previously boiled first.

Relieve stress and good for brain development

The content of vitamin B6 in potatoes can relieve stress in the mind. Because adrenaline can renew cells and make your mind and body feel relaxed, foster a feeling of pleasant and quiet. In addition, the content of vitamin B6 can also help the development of the brain and nervous system. Potatoes also contain a lot of copper and iron.

Skin care and beauty

Other benefits of the potato is for beauty. Vitamin C in potatoes very well and good for the skin, especially the face which can make the skin smooth, soft and shiny. We can use potatoes to eliminate the onset of swelling and dark circles in the eye by way of slicing the potatoes and then stick in the eye, wait about 30 minutes.
In addition can also be made to mask the beauty of the skin by making the potato juice and apply the results to the entire face to look beautiful and shiny. The content of nutrients in potatoes can cure acne on the face by means of a thin slice of potato and paste the parts of the cut in the face of an infected pimple. For more details, please read the article about how to make a potato mask.

Prevent high blood pressure and healthy bones

Potatoes that contain calcium, potassium and magnesium are very good and can be trusted to prevent and reduce high blood pressure in the body. Besides iron content can help perfect and overall growth for bone and form a good strength and structure to the bone.
If we want to consume potatoes, should pay attention to well about the processing and presentation so that no one and caused wastage of nutrients in potatoes and the body can not enjoy in the absorption of nutrients. There are several ways potatoes are good and right, among others:
If you want regular consumption should be boiled potato.
If you want to vary should be made potato soup or cooked with soy sauce.
Do not let the potatoes were burnt because the combustion bad for health effects in the body.
Do not get fried, but without oil because it may damage the nutrients and the resulting negative effects in the body.
That some of the properties and processing of potatoes is good and right to health in order to prevent the body from disease and healthy always.
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Mushrooms have been used for thousands of years, both as food and herbal medicine. Studies show that the mushroom can increase the production and activity of white blood cells. And this, according to medical doctors, very good to fight infection.
Not only favored modern people as food, food ingredient mushrooms have become popular since ancient times. In fact, the kings of Egypt and Ancient Greece in the centuries before Christ was known as a fan of mushrooms.
Ancient Greeks believed, eat mushrooms cause a person to become stronger and healthier. The result they are more powerful, courageous, and more powerful.

Pharaoh, king of Egypt's famous heavy hobbyists also eat fungi. The king called the mushroom as the food of the gods.
Japanese and Chinese communities also complete menu with fungi were hereditary. Not only delights the taste, but also high in nutritional value. The oyster mushroom is one source of nutrition that is currently very popular with the public.
Mushrooms proven highly nutritious and beneficial to health:

- High protein, higher than the chicken and tempeh
- Carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B7 and even vitamin C that are not in the flesh, or tempeh
- Rich in minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, K, P, S, Zn
- Folic Acid high so as to cure anemia,
- Substances Flofastin, which can lower cholesterol,
- Glucan substance that has the effect of antioxidants and as anti-tumor and improve immunity / immunity, anti-viral, antibacterial can even kill worms,
- Substances Pleuran, which is good for skin care, because it can bind water, moisturize the skin and as an anti-inflammatory
- Rich in fiber, so it is good for the digestion,
Once we know the nutrient content of oyster mushrooms will be very complete and good for the body, it's time we start to try and switch to consume oyster mushrooms right now (it's a vegetable or side dish), to improve nutrition, health and intelligence of our families.

The price is cheaper compared to meat and fish, a lot of high nutritional, easily processed / cooked, it was tasty and delicious, to Muslim halal guaranteed for 100% pure organic.
Here are some other benefits of mushrooms:

1. can lose weight. Mushrooms contain approximately 80-90 percent water with a low calorie content.
2. In addition, mushrooms also contain very little sodium and fat, and 8-10 percent of the dry components of the fungus is fiber. Therefore, this food is ideal for those who are following the weight control program or diet to control hypertension.
3. The source of potassium. Mushrooms are rich in potassium, a mineral that helps lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke. One medium portabella mushroom has revealed more potassium than a banana or a glass of orange juice. 4. One pint of mushrooms also provide 20-40 percent of your daily copper ajuran. Copper is a mineral that contains heart-protecting components.
5. Fight free radicals. Mushrooms are rich in riboflavin, niacin, and selenium. Selenium is an antioxidant that works with vitamin E to protect cells from free radical damage.
6. Reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Besides fighting free radicals, selenium in mushrooms also help prevent prostate cancer. Baltimore who studies aging study found that those who consumed selenium dose twice daily recommended 65 percent lower risk of developing prostate cancer. Men with the lowest selenium levels of risk four to five times more likely to develop prostate cancer than those with the highest selenium levels in the blood.
7. Prevent breast cancer. Button mushrooms contain functional components that inhibit the activity of aromatase (an enzyme involved in the production of estrogen) and 5-alpha-reductase (the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT function). Recent findings indicate that the button mushrooms can reduce the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer. Button mushroom extract reduces the multiplication of cells and reduce tumor size. Effects of chemotherapy can be seen with the intake of about 100 grams of mushrooms per day.
8. Overcome flu. In China and Japan, shiitake mushrooms have been used for centuries to cope with colds and flu. Lentinan, isolated from shiitake mushroom stems, expressed stimulates the immune system, helps fight infection, and showed antitumor activity. (IK / OL-5)
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Benefits and Gynecology Chili for Health

chili is a fruit that is commonly used for cooking that dish was spicy. Cabe has been used in almost every dish rice side dish for your friends. However, they rarely know what the content of chili and what are the health benefits.

Well, in this article we will discuss about the content and benefits of chili for health and herbal medicine.


Fruits contain capsaicin, dihidrokapsaisin, vitamins (A, C), resin, dye kapsantin, carotene, kapsarubin, zeasantin, kriptosantin, clan lutein. In addition, it also contains minerals, such as iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and niacin. The active substance capsaicin efficacious as a stimulant. If a person consumes too much capsaicin will cause a burning sensation in the mouth and tears.

Chili spicy taste, its heat. Nutritious fruit stimulant, increased appetite (stomakik), laxative sweat (diaforetik), stimulating the skin, and as a liniment.


The fruit is used for the treatment of rheumatism, ulcers, toothache, influenza, and improve appetite.
The sap of young leaves are used to: facilitate childbirth.


For drugs taken, boiled or 0.5-1 g dried fruit, and puree to a powder.
For external use, boiled 0.5-1 g pieces, then boiled water is used as a compress drug. Additionally, chilies can be mixed with other materials for a liniment. The sap of young leaves are used for the treatment of wounds, ulcers, and toothache.


Treating Arthritis
Pour 10 g of red chilies powder in 1/2 cup hot water. Stir until smooth and set aside a few minutes. Results seduhannya smeared on the sick body.

Treat wounds, ulcers
Apply vegetable oil on some leaves chili, then layukan over low heat. Attach leaves the chili warm while on the injured skin.

Okay, that he some of the benefits and efficacy of red pepper to health and natural medicine. Hopefully this article useful and add your insights.
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Sunday, September 27, 2015


The most toxic of fugu are liver, eggs, and digestive tract. But if at the time of processing contaminated by parts of internal organs ruptured, the meat becomes very poisonous and deadly.

Terkadung poison on the inside of the fugu fish is called tetrodotoxin (TTX). Puffer fish toxin lethal dose for humans is estimated to 2 mg TTX. These toxins are lethal and will react on its victims in less than 30 minutes. Therefore, in general, in particular restaurant food will be served by the chef and a half hours after cooking and tested by the chef Chef before serving to the buyer to ensure its safety.

It has no poison antidote! Cooking does not destroy the toxin. But avoid the Community incorrect view of the cooking can kill the toxin.

TTX poisoning symptoms, will be preceded by a sense of nausea, vomiting, numbness in the mouth, then appear nerve function disorder characterized by itching on the lips, feet and hands. The next symptom is the occurrence of paralysis and death due to difficulty breathing and heart attacks. These symptoms arise during the first 10 minutes to 30 minutes and after that it will cause death.

Therefore, if you are impaired above after consuming puffer fish are good you immediately to the hospital for "pumped" your stomach to prevent toxins go deeper into the body through digestion, this must be done before 30 minutes after the food enters the body , Even then you have to remain vigilant because sometimes the poison can react within the first 6 hours after the meat was pumped out.

So why pufferfish itself able to survive despite contain deadly poison in his body?

Researchers from the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) and National University of Singapore (NUS) even suggests that the puffer fish poison. Tetrodotoxin poison which is 20 times more deadly than cyanide is used to assist the process of breeding and avoiding predators.

Through a process called adaptation evolution, he becomes immune to poison tetrodotoxin derived from something he ate, particularly of marine life contaminated with toxins.

Given the high risk if the fish is wrong in its processing, then in Japan only chefs who have a certificate from the Ministry of Health who are allowed to process puffer fish for common consumption. So in Japan, dishes containing pufferfish are quite expensive. In a restaurant in Osaka sell buntalnya fish menu at a price of 10,500 yen, or about Rp 840,000. thousand rupiah

In addition to in Japan it is better to be careful to eat, especially in Indonesia, because there is no chef certification that guarantees the puffer fish cooked by experts. In Singapore alone cases of puffer fish poisoning by one Japanese restaurant that nearly claimed the lives of the Chef who is trying tesebut food. Even in Thailand 2004-2007, 115 victims hospitalized for consuming this meat and 15 people died, although these fish actually been banned entry to Thailand since 2002.
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Saturday, September 26, 2015

The benefits of whole grains and legumes to human health

Some types of nuts and seeds are a tasty food, tasty and nutritious natural high. Nuts and seeds are generally presented in a different way for
culinary purposes. Nuts in general are edible include Filbert nuts, pine nuts, almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts and peanuts, which is derived from the legume family. Grains are generally also good to eat including pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, seeds rambutan, durian seeds and sunflower seeds. Nuts and seeds offer some nutritional benefits perfect.

Here is a statement dietitian about the benefits of grains and legumes as well as the best nutrition for health

According to a health site, managed by William Sears, MD, a pediatrician and Martha Sears, a nurse, nuts and seeds nutrient dense, which means they pack a lot of nutrition into a small place. Grains and beans contain high amounts of fiber, which can help digestion and cleanse the digestive tract. They also contain high levels of protein, so it will provide enough energy and helps the human body to build muscle. Nuts and seeds are naturally cholesterol-free, and contain very little saturated fat. Fresh beans contain very little sodium.

High content of Vitamins and Minerals
Dr. Sears notes that nuts and seeds contain vitamin B, which will give you energy and increase metabolism in your body. They also contain selenium, chromium and vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant compounds. Antioxidants are organic compounds that will fight free radicals, which can damage the cells of your body as it ages. Surely this can inhibit the premature aging that can provide rough skin and wrinkles prematurely. Nuts also contain phosphorus and magnesium, which are important for the formation and health of bones and teeth. Phosphorus supports energy production and the formation of nucleic acids, such as DNA. Magnesium helps activate enzymes in your body, and will ensure your muscles to work properly.

Controlling Weight
The Mayo Clinic online source noted that nuts and seeds can be a healthy part of your weight loss program. This is because they contain large amounts of protein and fat, which can help you to feel full longer. In addition, 90 percent fat from nuts and seeds are fat "healthy" fats are monounsaturated. However, because nuts and seeds are high in calories, so you only need to consume in small quantities. In general, per ounce, or perbiji is quite appropriate portion sizes.

Heart health
Citing FDA, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension explaining that: because nuts and seeds contain monounsaturated fat and has been shown to lower LDL (bad cholesterol). They consume on a regular basis can reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, some nuts and seeds also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which proved to have a protective effect on the heart. Nuts and seeds listed in the FDA's Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or DASH diet, have been clinically proven to reduce blood pressure.
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Knowing What Benefits of Red Rice for a Healthy Diet and Natural

The benefits of brown rice to the diet turned out to be rated better than rice or white rice. Although in general the rice that comes from white rice is very beneficial for health, but it turns white rice less suitable as a menu for the diet program. Although white rice is sumer amino acids, B vitamins, fiber, and especially complex carbohydrates, but when a person's diet is usually recommended to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates is mainly derived from rice. Moreover, if the rice is polished white rice and processed rice is not traditional. This is because rice is processed traditionally would not be too much removes the bran layer, a layer of rice that contains lots of fiber and vitamin B. 
Well, for you who are on a diet, there is one type of rice that are recommended for you, that kind of Brown rice.

Benefits of Red Rice for Diet Quick and Healthy

As already known to the public at large, brown rice and white rice is the same. And when viewed at a glance, where the difference lies only by its color. White white rice and brown rice tinted slightly darker brown. Other differences can also be found when you go to the market to buy one or both types of rice. Leih brown rice prices are relatively high because brown rice is a type of rice that comes from cultivated rice are quite rare. Then how about the benefits of brown rice to your diet and health? Is it better than white rice?

If arguably better or not than white rice, brown rice does have a few advantages of white rice. But how to cook brown rice to the diet long enough, not to mention the texture is also harder than white rice. It feels less good is what makes people hesitate to eat brown rice. Though the benefits of brown rice to the diet and health of more than the white rice. Brown rice contains compounds called anthocyanins. Tersebutlah substance contained in a red-colored layer on brown rice. Anthocyanins also has many benefits for the health of the human body, ranging from an antioxidant, anticancer, antiglisemik and antihypertensives. Additionally brown rice are also low in calories so it is safe for consumption.

If analyzed, grain consists of three parts, namely the husk or outer, then the next is the epidermis, and the last grain of rice. The traditional process used to process rice with ground will not spoil too much of the nutrient content pentig present in brown rice. The essential ingredients that include fiber, vitamins, minerals, essential oils, vitamin B, vitamin A, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, potassium mangandan. Meanwhile, if the rice is processed by means of modern, high-nutrient-containing layer will actually damaged. So, it turns choosing brown rice brown rice so that the benefits can be maximized for the diet must be considered.

Red Rice for a Healthy Diet and Natural
If earlier we have discussed about how the nutrient content of brown rice and what are the advantages of brown rice compared to white rice, the following are some of the reasons why people who are on a diet program is suggested that eating brown rice although it seems less so tasty.

Can Make Sense Satiety Longer
Well, compared to carbohydrates contained in white rice. When you're on a diet and would like your diet more successful in the natural way, you are advised to consume brown rice contain complex carbohydrates that can make you feel full longer. Is there only complex carbohydrates in brown rice? No, you also can find the content of complex carbohydrates in oats and oatmeal. So, try the benefits of brown rice to your diet and some types of foods also contain complex carbohydrates.

Good for Digestion
When you're doing a diet, you might be confused about what foods you should eat because usually there are taboos not to be eating certain foods. Well, this red rice in addition to good for those who are doing a diet, brown rice also contains fiber which is 6 times more than white rice. So what are the benefits of fiber for health, especially for those who are dieting? Among them for digestion, reduce the risk of cancer, control blood sugar, reduce the risk of hemorrhoids, and can also prevent the accumulation of bad cholesterol.

Improve Immune System
In addition to the benefits of brown rice to your diet, it turns brown rice is also beneficial to boost our immune system. Well, when our immune system improves, certainly the quality of the diet you are doing will be the maximum result. Brown rice contains many nutrients such as iron, manganese and zinc also will assist in the formation of red blood cells. Therefore you will avoid the risk of anemia. While the content of zinc contained in brown rice will help boost your immune system during the diet program.

Producing cells DNA
It turns brown rice can also help you produce the cells' DNA. The benefits of brown rice for this diet you can feel if you eat brown rice regularly. But usually you are also advised to accompany the consumption of red rice by consuming fruit juice beverage type.

Well, that was the explanation of how the benefits of brown rice for health and also for those who are on a diet. Although basically how to cook brown rice diet is quite difficult because it takes a long time, and yet again because of the brown rice that is not too bad, but in fact behind all that brown rice contains benefits or health benefits for the body. In addition to its low-calorie brown rice, brown rice earlier in the explanation also contains many nutrients that are beneficial to health especially brown rice prepared or processed traditionally.

The conclusion is, red rice is processed traditionally very rich benefits, especially for those who are doing a diet. Brown rice can reduce the risk of cancer, prevent heart disease, fight evil kolseterol, give full effect longer, good for digestion, and can also boost immunity. Brown rice can be an alternative staple food in addition to white rice recommended for those who are dieting. Especially when brown rice is combined with fruits, vegetables, protein, and healthy fat types. So, after knowing the facts about the benefits of brown rice to your diet, you may be able to try their own properties and a healthy diet you can run smoothly.
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